
I am happy to introduce my book – Science Meets Vedanta. This book is now available worldwide on Amazon. The book comes as a eBook, paper back and hardcover. In India, the book is also available in all the major Crossword stores country wide. The book has 37 essays.

Many of you who followed my posts had suggested I should compile them into a book. Based on this feedback, I undertook this task in October 2020. To create the book, I rewrote the content, added brand new content and added more than 50 illustrations. The book was then professionally edited to make it compact, readable and presentable. The 37 essays are broken into the following four groups

Concepts: This is essential reading. The key concepts from Vedanta and science are covered here. These essays must be read and understood properly. They are important because these concepts are the foundation of most of the essays that follow.

Vedanta: The more you learn about and understand Vedanta, the better you can appreciate how the teachings can help science. The essays in this section cover a good cross-section of key topics in Vedanta.

Science: In these essays, science “meets” Vedanta. I have taken a range of topics and shown the influence Vedanta can have on science. With the help of Vedanta, a new dimension is added, a new perspective is given to science. Vedanta helps remove many obstacles faced by science.

Cosmos: In these essays, the cosmos “meets” Vedanta. There is so much misunderstanding and confusion in understanding space and the universe “out there.” Based on the logic of the teachings of Vedanta, we have resolved many of the issues in these essays.

The book is available as an ebook, as a paperback and a hard cover (in some markets). Just go to Amazon and search for – Science Meets Vedanta. I do hope you will support this book. 

Crossword in India test marketed the book in two stores in Pune and Mumbai. The response was better than expected. Crossword has now decided to sell this book through all their major stores pan India. So, please visit their store and ask for the book.

It will be very nice if you can share this information with your family, friends, and other WhatsApp’s groups.

Do contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

5 thoughts on “Book”

  1. Am confused regarding motion when I plan to travel I go somewhere how can I be stationary then and they move energy is required and used can I get a clarification

    1. Motion is a grand illusion by nature, just like sun setting everyday. Our mind is always outside space and time. Since the mind is always within us, our body is always the starting point of space. Motion happens when space contracts and objects come closer to us. However we feel that the we move and objects are fixed. Exactly like sitting in a stationery train and we feel we move while the passing train is fixed. This illusion is so deep rooted that it is difficult to accept it.

  2. sir
    need this book as we are making a magazine regarding ADVAITA TATVA.
    Thank u
    contact number | 9481042489

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Understanding Vedanta and Science are looking for the same Reality