
The website has been created and is being maintained by Jayant Kapatker. He is also the author and copyright owner of all the Articles and Posts you will find in this web site. He is also the author of the book – Science Meets Vedanta. 

Find below some background information about Jayant Kapatker

Jayant Photo

B Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
MBA from Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University.

Work Experience:
Jayant is the Founder CEO of STAM Interactive Solutions . This company, developed and marketed a wide range of online training courses on security technology. His online course on CCTV Technology won the Judges Choice Award at the International Security Conference (ISC), Las Vegas.

Before that Jayant lived and worked in India, Nepal, Spain, Australia and USA.

For over 15 years, Jayant attended Vedanta classes with dedication and passion at the Arsha Bodha Center, New Jersey. This experience was life changing. Assimilating this knowledge and going deeper into the subject has become the main focus in his life. During this exciting journey, he has seen many connections between science and Vedanta. In 2014, he began writing essays to show us how the teachings of Vedanta can help us add a new dimension to the scientific understanding of the universe. Many of the people who followed his essays suggested that he should compile them in a book. Thus was born Science Meets Vedanta.

Jayant and his wife, Maya, now live in Pune, India.

Understanding Vedanta and Science are looking for the same Reality